ESATCO provides Environmental Compliance Audits for Effective Business Risk Management and Compliance.
How do Environmental Compliance Audits (ECA) help you reduce risks?
Environmental compliance audits identify issues with regulatory compliance, environmental issues, emissions to atmosphere, waste discharges, spill controls etc., all of which must be controlled.
The scope of the ECA was defined in the provision of services and the objectives of the ECA were to:
- Check the conformity of activities and facilities under the laws (federal, provincial and municipal) applicable, environmental issues, environmental compliance approvals (ECA/CofA) and permits issued to your firm by different government bodies.
- Make recommendations for best management practices where applicable.
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The following aspects are typically reviewed during the audit:
- Air Quality Management
- including Ozone Depleting Substances
- Land and Vegetation Management
- Use of Pesticides, etc.
- Emergency Response
- including Spill prevention, fire etc.
- Hazardous Waste / Chemical Management –
- The management of hazardous waste (including storage).
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods.
- The management of chemicals and hazardous materials (WHIMIS, MSDS)
- Management of controlled substances (PCBs, radioactive materials, asbestos, etc.).
- Storage of chemicals, including Flammable cabinets management
- Waste Management
- Regulatory requirements, handling and labelling, storage, etc.
- Water and Wastewater Management
- The potential contamination of soil and groundwater (spills)
- Discharge in accordance with regulatory bylaws
- Oil water separator inspection review records
- Any other aspect that may impact on the environment.
- optional Health and Safety regulations observation
- Follow-up Previous audit Findings (if any)
Applicable Legislation
An audit is based on the acts, regulations and guidelines listed below. It should be noted that, based on some facility characteristics, not all of the legislation listed below will necessarily apply.
Local/Planning (City and Region)
- By-Laws & Standards (Wastewater, Sewer use, Noise By-Laws)
- Municipal code – Sanitary Sewer, Storm water
- Municipal code – Noise
- Municipal code – Pesticide, use of
Land and Vegetation Management
Water and Waste Water Management
Air Quality Management
- Air Pollution – Local Air Quality (Ontario Regulation 419/05)
- Air Contaminant Discharge Monitoring and Reporting (Ontario Regulation 127/01)
- Certificate of Approval Exemptions – Air (Ontario Regulation 524/98)
- National Pollutant Release Inventory (Canadian Environmental Protection Act)
- Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons (Ontario Regulation 463/10)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting (Ontario Regulation 452/09)
Waste / Hazardous Waste / Chemical Management
- General – Waste Management (Ontario Regulation 347)
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDG);
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods Clear Language Regulations(CLR);
- Interprovincial Movement of Hazardous Wastes Regulation (IMHWR);
- Import and Export of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations (IEHWHRMR)
- Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans (Ontario Regulation 102/94)
- ICI Source Separation Programs (Ontario Regulation 103/94, as amended)
- Packaging Audits and Packaging Reduction Work Plans (Ontario Regulation 104/94)
- Ontario Toxics Reduction Act (Ontario Regulation 455/09)
- New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) (SOR/2005-247)
- Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2005 (SOR/2005-41)
- Guidelines for Environmental Protection Measures at Chemical and Waste Storage Facilities (May 2007, PIBS 5113e)
- WHMIS Regulation (R.R.O 1990, Reg. 860)