"Effectively Applied Science Solutions"
ESATCO provides hands-on applied science solutions & services, focusing on 3 key functional areas.
Air Quality Resources including:
ESATCO provides hands on experience in the planning, assessment, and recommendations to effectively apply science solutions to assist you in managing your Plant or Facility regulatory requirements.
Natural Environment - Emissions
- Stack / Source Emissions to the Environment
- Climate change, GHG, inventories
- External Noise evaluations
- Dispersion modelling (ESDM, Aermod, O.Reg. 419, Screen)
- Emissions Estimations for Permits (ESDM)
- Ambient air quality
- Fugitive Dust studies
- Database development, modification, upkeep
Human Environment - IAQ - Indoor Air Quality
- Indoor Air Quality Sampling - metals, particulate, mist(oils)
- Indoor Noise Assessment
- Occupational Health and Safety OHS
- Ventilation Assessment
Business Environment - Management System
- Compliance Audits
- Environment
- Health and Safety
- Management Systems
- Environment (ISO 14001)
- Health and Safety ISO 45001 (formerly OHSAS 18001)
- Quality (ISO 9001)
- Internal Audits
- Quality
- Environment
- Health and Safety
Next Steps
- FREE initial meeting (online, telephone, or in person)
- Development of a strategy and plan to assess the situation
- In plant assessment (air, noise or management system GAP review)
- Assessment Report with recommendations
ENSURETM to Future Proof your business with ESATCO!
ESATCO provides hands-on applied science solutions & services while enabling ENvironmentally Sustainable Utilization of Resources & Energy (ENSURETM)